Publisher Spotlight: BOOM25

Welcome to our Publisher Spotlight! Could you please introduce yourself? I am Nina Bella, the Director of Sales at Boom25.

Nice to meet you Nina! Could you tell us more about Boom25 and its business values? We are Boom25, an e-commerce platform returning up to 100% of every 25th approved purchase on our platform. Our business has disrupted online shopping in the UK adding excitement to a rather mundane activity. We pride ourselves on making sure our users experience the best opportunities to win, with the most loved retailers on the market. Our most loyal users created a Boom fan account which turned into a following of 230k+ followers creating original content and boosting engagement.

Sounds great Nina, so what would you say are the biggest benefits for an advertiser working with your company? Advertisers enjoy being a part of a platform with over 500k users. Our most loyal users created a Boom Facebook group which turned into a following of 230k+ in one year creating original content and boosting engagement. Any retailer looking to run a campaign with exposure and endorsement opportunities can enjoy our provisions of engaged users, increase in traffic and sales uplift.

230k! That’s amazing! So, what else can you tell us about your audience and what types of advertisers do you work best with? Our users are emotional buyers, not logical buyers. They look for the thrill, the next opportunity to win, the next new retailer to jump on site. Our most successful verticals are fashion, travel, and takeaway, DIY and Home goods. Our users are comprised of 74% woman aged 24 – 55.

What makes your Boom25 an exciting company? We engage with our users in every way we can to make sure we bolster customer experience and listen to their wants and needs. We work very hard to maintain and improve our platform in order to raise the standards and create dynamic experiences. We are working daily to expand our reach into additional verticals to offer new and exciting retail options.

Thanks Nina, so can you tell us if Boom25 have any exciting plans coming up in the next 12 months? We will be launching our company in additional markets and we have a lot of surprising activities in store that are exactly in line with our thrilling mentality so we can’t wait to surprise the market.

That’s great news, so what would you then say is the most exciting time of year for you as a business? Q4 is the most exciting time of year. As a company, we have the most creative and dynamic abilities to make that particular time of year the most lucrative for retailers and the most exciting for users.

Where do you think the affiliate space is heading to in the next year and what are the main market disruptions? The Affiliate space will be heading into a very unpredictable arena. With political uncertainty with regards to the effects of Brexit, the economy and ever changing nature of e-commerce, I believe there will be a lot of chances for Affiliates to become creative and leverage this uncertainty paving the way to a more natural course of interaction between its publishers and advertisers. It is vital today for an affiliate to have a social community alongside of it. It’s a power that strengthens and legitimizes its existence organically attracting a much higher level of trust.

Great and is there anything else you’d like our customers to know about Boom25? We continue to look for new and interesting ways to increase our conversion rates, use micro influencers, leverage our social medial impact, think of fun ways to create user engagement and best of all, increase ROI. Our team works closely to stay ahead of the curve and provide data driven results. Keep an eye out for our next move.

Lastly, what is one fun fact about your business? The concept of our business was thought of by our CEO on a drive with his young daughter. She asked to play a popular game where you count between yourself and another player until you hit a multiple of 7; instead of saying the number, you say Boom. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, BOOM! – He turned it into a winning concept.

Definitely a winning concept! Thanks Nina!